<aside> 🚨 As a marketing manager, you may desire to send greeting messages to all your new customers or subscribers. For some reasons, you may have to send messages to your customers' WhatsApp at certain time as a payment reminders. As it increases engagement and sales, scheduling WhatsApp messages is crucial for you.
Note: Schedule Message can be used unlimitedly in the Starter, Pro, Growth Version. However, you can also access it 3 times in the Free version.
Step 1: Click on schedule message
on the chatting area;
Step 2: Create a Scheduled Message
Name it a title
so that you can recognize them in the records;
Edit message as needed; the pro version can send attachments with text;
Specify the sending time and select whether it's a one-time or recurring send;
After creation, click save
. The pending scheduled message will be displayed in the chat window.
Step 3: Manage Scheduled Messages
Go to the automation
tab, where you can check the status of scheduled messages.
You can also edit, duplicate or delete all the scheduled messages.